Sunday, January 26, 2014


Right now I'd like to take a moment to express my feelings toward something...something green (Deja Vu)...something jumpy....something that rhymes with blog: TOADS! I..I mean FROGS!

Have you ever seen a tiny little froggy just hoppin around in the grass just having a ball? They're also super brave! When you pick them up, they'll hop right out of your hand even if they are smaller than the size of a quarter and jumping down somewhere higher than two meters. That's like us jumping off a really tall building! But who wouldn't do that when a Giant chasing after you? Lol

See? That's crazy! Wanna know what's crazier? I don't know if that's either a thumb or a toe! o.O Someone needs a mani/pedi! 

Anyway, remember that old Nintendo game called Frogger? The one where you have to weave in and out of traffic or floating logs so you don't get hit or drown? Now THAT was a good game. Definitely on my list of top Nintendo games. That and Zelda were so much fun. 

If you don't recognize this game then your parents deprived you of a better childhood. This thing was the basis of what I know about weaving in and out of traffic without getting hit and splat on the ground. This game SAVED MY LIFE! Frogs are important! Without them, I could be dead and the whole entire universe might be tipped on its side and everything could be out of whack, but because of frogs, FROGGER WAS BORN and taught me how to stay alive. Thanks Frogger!

There's also another frog I know about that is pretty freaking awesome, but a little crazy. His name is Crazy Frog!

Crazy Frog

See? Frogs are actually pretty awesome and cute and funny. Some are even NEON COLORED!

Now isn't that the coolest frog you've ever seen? It's most likely so poisonous that one touch would infect you with a toxin that would eat away all your skin, but that doesn't mean you can't keep looking at it! :D

FOLLOW my FROG if YOU are PRO blog!!!!!!!! 


Coolest. Frog. Ever.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Roger Rabbit

Right now I'd like to take a moment to express my feelings toward something....something white...something lucky....something that lost a foot and is now on my keychain: Cute rabbits.

Oh they are so freaking fluffy and the way they wiggle there nose is so adorable! Oh how I love bunny rabbits! I've never owned one before, but I have always thought about getting one. Something I have always wondered is if there favorite food really are carrots or are if that was something that was made up along with Bugs Bunny.....wait, Bugs Bunny isn't real? D: NOOOOOOO! Sorry to be the killer of dreams if you didn't know that. I am a huge fan of both he and Roger Rabbit and of course Jessica Rabbit ;) OW OW she is one fine cartoon specimen!

I'd like to apologize for not posting yesterday. My internet went out and we just had it fixed today, so I started typing as soon as we had it up and running again! #LifeProbs

To make it up to you fine bloggers out there, enjoy this ADORABLE picture of a bunny rabbit doing its cute little thing :D

Oh my goodness this bunny is so freaking adorable it makes me want to get one right now!!!!!! 

What's up doc? I find myself saying that quite a bit actually. I'll just casually say it when greeting someone and it sounds totally normal in my mind. That's just how I roll. 

This is my childhood right here. Looney Toons all the time along with Dexter's LabORatory and Spongebob. That's the life. I applaud whoever made growing up in the 90's such a great time for kids because everything we saw on TV was fun and uplifting and super funny like Tom and Jerry, Recess, and Rocket Power. Those were the shows that made all of us who we are today, and we are pretty stinkin AWESOME! 

If you haven't seen some of those shows then you NEED to watch them. And watch Looney Toons and the Looney Toons Movie to see more of Bugs Bunny, or Roger Rabbit so you can see Jessica Rabbit get down and dirty in a subtle way that is somehow appropriate for babies to watch. IT'S WORTH IT. 

FoLlOw My BlOg If YoU aRe PrO bUnNy RaAbBiTs!!!!!!!!! :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Turtle Turtle

Right now I'd like to take a moment to express my feelings toward something...something mean...something green....something SLOW....turtles. I bet you didn't know I was going to say turtles. Nope. Who cares if the title says Turtle Turtle! I could have been talking about Austin Powers when he acted like a turtle!

The way he moves his shell suit is strangely mesmerizing......anyway!


Why is turtle wax so expensive?
Because their ears are so small!                     

What do turtles use to communicate?          
A shellphone! 

  Cutest little guys ever! Aren't they just adorable?! 

Even if they are super slow, they are still entertaining. Take squirt and Crush for example. Without them, Marlin would have never found Nemo and would have had to put up with Dori forever and probably would kill her! But thank heavens that didn't happen, because then there wouldn't be the new Finding Dori movie that is coming out in 2016. Everyone would be searching for her but would never EVER find her. TURTLES ARE IMPORTANT! DO you know how many babies would be crying right now if Dori had died?! A LOT! I know a few girls who are seniors in HIGH SCHOOL who would cry if Dori didn't make it! So, in honor of Dori's life, I'd like to take a moment or two to thank Squirt, and his dad Crush for saving our ears from potentially millions of babies and high school girls screaming until their lungs shriveled up and collapsed......THANK YOU....Noggin....Duuuuude.

That's part of my childhood  right there! If they never existed, then I could be a completely different person right now! I would have never played TMNT on xbox or watched them on tv and would have been doing something different that could have knocked the entire universe out of whack! I COULD BE IN PRISON RIGHT NOW! Fortunately, I'm not. So I'd like to dedicate a moment or two to acknowledge those mean, green, ninja machines that saved our universe from a terrible Armageddon. 

THANK YOU!!!!!!  



Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Oh How Cute

I'd like to take a moment or two to express my feelings toward something...something serious: cute kittens.

Hi, my name is Whitney, and I'm a kitten addict. Kittens have entertained millions and millions of feline lovers for many years and still do even to this day. Why is that? Because they never cease to amaze us. We already knew that they were super soft, fluffy, come in all different, adorable shapes and sizes, and have captivating eyes that constantly make us think they are saying "love me" even though they are probably plotting to murder us. However, they are constantly reminding us that they have more to offer. Not-so-recent evidence concludes that these kittens that were once thought to be extremely intelligent are actually, in fact, surprisingly uncoordinated and simply dumb. Check out the evidence for yourself!

Ok, maybe "dumb" isn't the best word to describe these adorable yet pathetic little creatures, but they most definitely are curious little devils. Curious to know why your best friends whom you have never met before and looks almost identical to you is stuck inside a shinny looking thing? The best solutions must be to lunge myself directly at it in such a way that by putting all of my weight against it and defying gravity, my twin will suddenly be released from the shiny wall. This is the logic of cats. 

Or maybe attempting to run up a slide even though the little fur ball isn't advancing, will be just the thing to do today. These creatures are either exceptionally unintelligent or incredibly evil, because why else would one unravel an entire roll of toilet paper just for the heck of it? THEY DON'T! 

Whether or not they are on the dark side still does not explain why the moment kittens step foot on wood floor, they completely lose control of all their motor skills.

No matter how dumb they may appear, one thing is for sure, they are super adorable and soft and funny and furry and crazy and entertaining and make the WORLD A BETTER PLACE! So if you hate kittens, keep in mind that they will probably be the death of you someday. 

Follow my blog if you are PRO KITTENS! :)